SEKKA Magazine | A Kuwaiti's guide to the ultimate California road trip!

There’s a lot of coastline between San Francisco and San Diego—about 805 kilometers to be exact. This stretch includes some of the most beautiful parts of California. Here’s an itinerary for an epic California road trip, stopping at some of the highlights. SEKKA.

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Frommer's | What to See in Hong Kong, Off the Beaten Path

We've all heard of popular tourist attractions in Hong Kong, like the view from Victoria Peak (pictured) or Hong Kong Disneyland, but you don't always hear about the things you find away from the city streets that paint an authentic portrait of the region's culture. Don't get me wrong, everyone should see iconic Hong Kong, but I have better surprises in store. If you know where to look, there are lots of places away from the crush of the skyscrapers where you can learn about the city's unique position in the world.

CNN | Sushi burritos and donut burgers? 16 insane food mashups

Maybe a plate of spaghetti livened up with Thai-inspired spice. Or sushi given an American twist by adding cream cheese and smoked salmon. Fusion is far too delicate a phrase to describe these 16 wild food mashups, most found inU.S. restaurants. Some will leave you horrified -- "That's culinary blasphemy!" CNN Travel